This is a repost from Dec 2018.
The gut, our intestines. Scientists now call the gut our second brain. So did our ancestors. It is a place of autonomy, where the body thrives without checking in with that orb that sits on top of our shoulders. Some say it's a place of instinct, a place of truth, a place our ancestors used for survival.
In my shop Spiral Herbal Remedies, located at 810 Washington Ave, in Brooklyn, NYC, the majority of people I see present with some sort of inflammatory process. During our discussions, I might suggest Organic Plant-based tinctures, oils, salves, balms, and teas that I handmake in Brooklyn. If you've visited , you know that most discussions also include gut health.
New research suggests an unhealthy gut/microbiome (Dysbiosis) is linked to 90% of all diseases, including IBS, autism, allergies, asthma, obesity, cancer, Alzheimer's and rheumatoid arthritis. It also suggests that our well-being, mental health, memory, and feelings of security are tied to our gut and that which lives within it - our microbiome. We have found that gut health is a huge contributor to inflammation, particularly inflammation of the nervous system and brain. A healthy microbiome has also been linked to our ability to remineralize our teeth, preventing tooth decay. If caught early enough, microorganisms in the saliva can help move minerals back into cavities and reverse them.
What is the microbiome? (Micro - extremely small, Biome - a community of flora and fauna in a habitat.) 90% of the cells on or in your body are not human - they’re microorganisms such as bacteria, yeast, parasites, and viruses. Our skin and the inside of our body are host to trillions of living beings that are not human. In fact, our bodies are only 10% human cells. And that's normal. Digest that for a minute. The truth is that in nature, it is not unusual. That’s the way things work. No one, no thing is completely autonomous. Each living being, each inanimate being is part of a whole. We can’t always see it, we’re too close. And our focus has shifted off of our environment and onto our individual spheres of existence. But our ancestors knew. This blog post is a gentle reminder.
The macro view is interdependence. Now let’s switch to a micro view. Maybe you swabbed your hand or another part of your skin in your biology class and hand had a chance to look at it under a microscope. If you did, you discovered that you’re covered with bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites, and an organism called archaea. These same microorganisms live in our noses, throats, and intestines. Aaaand the so-called “bad” bacteria, viruses, and fungi that make us sick - live there as well. They only become problematic when they're given a chance to proliferate. I'll cover those circumstances below. These organisms are supposed to be there. They serve a purpose. We actually can't live without them.
These organisms compete for space and resources. They control each other’s growth either by physically occupying space that the others would occupy or by excreting substances that are toxic to the others. In a healthy gut, no single organism dominates. If everything is kept in balance, disease can be prevented.
We know a lot about what bacteria do for humans in our intestines. They aid in digestion, stimulate parts of our immune system, produce needed vitamins, and effect our mood. Fungi can drive our food cravings and Viruses play a role in our immunity.
Let’s step back again and think about what is going on. We have a variety of different species living in and on our bodies. They collaborate with us and with each other. Interspecies collaboration is not uncommon. When it happens, it’s called mutualism. Each organism benefits in some way from the relationship. For microorganisms - human skin, the intestine, nose, and throat are a warm and (mostly) moist environment where they can thrive, sustained by a ready supply of nutrients.
And we benefit from their presence.
We don’t know as much about why the fungi and viruses are there but a brilliant example of mutualism is how fungi work in the landscape, serving trees. This is a great framework for thinking about them. Fungi create networks between the roots of trees, allowing them to transfer nutrients amongst themselves. Trees will send needed nutrients to other trees that are weak or sick, so they heal. "Mother" trees will send nutrients to their offspring. Trees chopped down hundreds of years ago have been kept alive with nutrients sent to them from their network. Maybe that tree was the center of a network and that tree's connections were the only way nutrients could travel to adjoining trees. That implies intelligence. Or maybe they've kept them alive because they're kin. Keeping tree-kin alive creates groves and living in a grove creates microclimates where moisture and temperatures are stabilized. The trees thrive by working together and fungi, an unrelated species, are responsible for that tree collaboration. What’s in it for the fungi in this mutualistic relationship? Access to nutrients they can’t produce on their own.
One study found that fungi might be responsible for controlling inflammation in the gut. It's safe to assume the fungi are happy to have us as their hosts since they're alive and well within and on us.
It is thought that viruses in the gut might help train our immune system, preparing it for infections. We still don't know as much about other roles they play but give that time. Or, just trust that there is some sort of order and reasoning for their existence.
A benefit of a healthy microbiome is that it keeps potentially toxic microorganisms from setting up shop in our bodies - there is no space for them. Trouble occurs if one group of microorganisms is killed off, like when we take antibiotics, when we eat a lot of food with preservatives, or other reasons listed below. Antibiotics and preservatives kill bacteria, leaving gaps in the microbiome landscape. Those gaps are quickly filled by other multiplying microorganisms, throwing off the balance, and allowing one group to proliferate. You might start with a bacterial infection but after taking antibiotics, you could end up with a yeast infection or an infection from a different bacteria that wasn’t killed by the antibiotic.
Keeping a balance of all the “good” and “bad” bacteria, fungi, viruses, etc. is important to our health but how do we accomplish that? Here are some suggestions.
Add a variety of fermented foods to your diet daily. These foods contain live microorganisms. Fermented foods contain “probiotics” - a mix of healthy bacteria, and fungi. This will help build up and sustain a colony of healthy microorganisms in your gut. You want to have a diverse colony of microorganisms, so eat a variety of fermented foods daily. Before preservatives and refrigeration, we all ate fermented food. That's how we kept food from spoiling over the winter. Add it back into your diet.
*** Foods high in probiotics include Kimchi, Kombucha, Kefir, Sauerkraut, Pickles, Natto, Kvass, Raw Cheese, Raw Apple Cider Vinegar, Brine Cured Olives, Tempeh, Miso, Fish Sauce, Yogurt (if it has live cultures), raw milk, cheese, etc. Pasteurization kills all the natural bacteria in the milk. Fresh raw milk and raw milk products from an organic farmer are loaded with good bacteria/probiotics.
***Every morning, I drink & eat this: 1/2 cup kefir, 1/2 cup kombucha and 1 tablespoon of sauerkraut, 1/2 slice whole-grain sourdough bread. An article in National Geographic suggested the same thing - 6 years after I wrote it in my blog.
***National Geographic also discussed a study that examined Probiotic pills. The pills were filled with dead microorganisms. Don't waste your money. Fermented food contains live fungi and bacteria that can start bringing your microbiome into balance immediately.
Avoid processed foods. Cook at home with fresh ingredients more often. Processed foods not only contain fewer nutrients, they’re loaded with preservatives. Preservatives are designed to kill the microorganisms that spoil food. They also kill the microorganisms in your gut.
Avoid GMOs. Genetically modified plants have been designed to survive herbicides/weed killers (usually roundup). Entire fields of crops are now regularly sprayed with herbicides. The weeds are killed but the crops survive. Herbicides remain on the crops and we consume them - and that kills our microbiome. Some plants have been Modified to excrete pesticides, which also end up in our gut, killing our microbiome. There is evidence that the combination of these two modifications is particularly toxic and damaging.
Add more Fruit, Vegetables, Whole Grains, Nuts, and Seeds to your diet. The bacteria and yeast in your gut consume fiber. Feed them.
***Each plant has different types of fiber and different microorganisms on them - diversify the foods you eat for a diverse microbiome. This feeds the microbes a diverse diet. A good rule of thumb is to try to eat 30 different fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and seeds per week.
Cut back on your consumption of processed sugar. It is digested so quickly that your microbiome doesn't have a chance to consume any of it, so the microbiome doesn’t have enough energy to stay alive. Without a regular food source, the microorganisms will resort to consuming your stomach lining. Additionally, yeast loves sugar and will proliferate, disrupting the balance.
Add complex sugars like fruit, dark chocolate (just a little because we now know dark chocolate often is high in lead and cadmium), coconut flour, honey, etc.
***When I mentioned food cravings above, this is what I was thinking about. Some research suggests that when there's a lot of yeast in your gut, the yeast signals your brain to eat more sugar. Seriously. A microorganism is dictating your behavior.
***Watch this video to see how another fungus, cordyceps, dictates the behavior of infected insects.
Modify your alcohol intake. Alcohol kills bacteria. Think about the movies that showed field surgeons in the Civil War cleaning wounds and prepping for surgery by pouring alcohol over the area. Alcohol disinfects. It kills all the microorganisms. Alcohol is also a carcinogen.
Avoid taking antibiotics unless necessary. This includes those hand sanitizers that kill microorganisms on your hands. Wash with soap and water instead. This way you only remove the bacteria, etc on the surface, not that which is embedded in the skin, an important part of your microbiome.
***Spiral Herbal Remedies' Gone Viral tincture is an alternative. The plants it contains have been found to kill Strep, Staph, and the flu virus without killing your "good" bacteria. Gone Viral is meant to be taken early in an infection before the virus or bacteria have spread. It usually works in a few doses and then you stop taking it.
Try to quit smoking. Aside from damaging your lungs, and your blood vessels, it kills your microbiome.
***Think about trying Spiral Herbal Remedies' Chill Your Bones smoking blend to wean yourself off of tobacco and weed, which create cravings and dependency. The smoking blend relaxes you while you're decreasing the amount of tobacco or weed you consume.
Emotional stress, a lack of exercise, and poor sleeping habits also have a destructive impact on your microbiome. Alcohol interferes with our sleep quality as well.
***Spiral Herbal Remedies' Organic, lab-tested CBD oil. CBD binds with receptors on the Nervous System, calming it. It also contains powerful anti-inflammatory properties.
***Check out these blog posts to learn about other ways to control stress and sleep better.
Get dirty. Much of our microbiome used to be accumulated from the environment. We've become a very sanitary culture and germophobic. Get out into the woods at least weekly. Touch the trees, run your hand in a waterfall, sit on the ground, and breathe the outdoor air (yes they're in the air). Dig in the soil - having a garden is a great way to bring microorganisms into your body. Give the veggies a light wash and eat them right away. They don't need to be soaked and sterilized. When you do that you lose diversity and diversity is key.
***Research has shown that digging in the soil/gardening decreases depression, and anxiety, and elevates feelings of life satisfaction, quality of life, a sense of community, psychological well-being, mood, and cognitive function.
Switch to Organic, preservative-free skin products. There is a connection between your gut microbiome health and your skin microbiome health and vice versa. 60-80% of what we put on our skin is directly absorbed into our blood. Don't put toxins on your skin.
*** Spiral Herbal Remedies' skin products were designed for that reason. Try switching out one product a month. Or invest and switch all at once. Several of my clients have done this.
I hope you find this blog post helpful. Feel free to write in the comments with questions or feedback. Of course, if I've missed something, I'd love to hear about that as well.
My Herbalism shop is Social Practice. I am becoming the Healer, Wise Woman, Shaman, Witch. Don't worry, "Witch" refers to a word used in the Middle Ages to kill millions of Female Herbalists. These peasant women were organizing against wealthy landlords who claimed common land for their cattle and sheep. The landlords and church instituted a law that made it illegal for these women to heal their community because their knowledge didn't come from the church, it came from the landscape and their pre-Christian pagan beliefs. The women were said to be dealing with the devil and were burned alive. Read Witches, Midwives, and Nurses for an eye-opener. Check out the rest of my website for some of my recent projects.
Becoming an herbalist is an act of resistance, a political statement, and a powerful feminist move. I descend from Irish healers who practiced in the Middle Ages. I am reclaiming my ancestral knowledge.All rights reserved. @Copyright Donna Cleary